Imagine yourself strolling along a tulip-lined walkway, in a town of small shops, restaurants and tucked-in canals. In the distance, windmills turn above fields shimmering with tulips, and nearby bike paths lead along open water. Suddenly, you hear Dutch folk music, and a troupe of dancers in historic dress -- right down to the wooden clogs -- begin a dance. Surely, you must be in the Netherlands. Close enough: Welcome to Tulip Time in Holland, Michigan!

Dutch immigration dates back as far as Colonial days, and most American cities with a strong Dutch heritage were settled in the 1800's. Today, many of the the over 4 million Dutch Americans still celebrate their traditional culture with festivals and heritage villages nationwide.
A smaller but also
fascinating cultural group is
Indonesian Dutch Americans,
who trace their heritage to the culture formed when Indonesia was a part of the Dutch East Indies.
These delightful Dutch festivals are generally held annually:
Mt. Vernon, Washington
Woodburn, Oregon
Pella, Iowa
Long Beach, California
Rhinebeck, New York
Albany, New York